Our terms of service are listed below, when ready visit this scheduling link …call 1 (888) 747 2287 if it the page doesn’t load or you need help scheduling.
Needing to schedule within the next 24 hours? Please be sure to receive a confirmation from us before arriving.

Terms of Service: The Feline Hotel & Zen Cat Grooming Spa
Effective Immediately: Due to the recent outbreak of bird flu in cats linked to contaminated meat, The Feline Hotel & Zen Cat Grooming Spa will no longer accept cats that have been on raw or dehydrated diets within the last four weeks. Additionally, cats with unsupervised outdoor access within the last four weeks are not permitted to board. Free-roaming cats have an increased risk of contracting bird flu from bird droppings, hunting birds, or consuming dead birds found outdoors.
1. Health and Vaccination Requirements
All cats must be in good health to enter the facility. Owners must disclose any existing health concerns or medical conditions. Required health standards include:
- Up-to-date Rabies and Distemper (FVRCP) vaccinations (within the last three years).
- Clear records of negative tests for FIV, Feline Leukemia, and stool parasites.
- Absence of internal and external parasites, no signs of fleas or ticks.
- No signs of illness, such as loose stools or green/yellow eye or nasal discharge, without prior disclosure.
Failure to meet these requirements may result in refusal to enter, emergency transfer to a veterinary facility at the owners expense, or a house call veterinarian visit at the owner’s expense.
2. Cancellations and Refunds
- Full refund: 15+ days’ notice.
- 50% refund: 6–14 days’ notice.
- No refund: 5 days or less notice.
3. Spaying/Neutering
Cats over six months of age must be spayed or neutered unless approved in advance.
4. Personal Items
Bedding, toys, or other items supplied by owners are left at the owner’s risk.
5. Payment and Extensions
- Full payment is due upon arrival.
- Cats with extended stays will only be released upon full payment.
- Short extensions (up to 3 days): Pay at pickup.
- Longer extensions (4+ days): Payment required at the time of the extension request via PayPal.
6. Abandonment Policy
If a cat is left more than 10 days past the agreed pickup date without notice:
- The emergency contact will be notified via your supplied information.
- If the emergency contact is unresponsive after 7 days, The Feline Hotel reserves the right to surrender the cat to a no-kill shelter, non-profit animal rescue, or another party at its discretion.
A $1,000 surrender charge will be added to the owner’s account, along with unpaid boarding fees, surrender-related expenses, and any legal and/or collection fees.
7. Photography
We may take photos of cats for marketing purposes, using only the cat’s first name. No owner-specific information (e.g., last names) will be shared.
8. Delays and Notifications
Owners must notify staff promptly if they are delayed in picking up their cat.
9. Negligence Disclaimer
Cats are naturally unpredictable. The Feline Hotel and Zen Cat Grooming Spa is not responsible for any loss, injury, illness, or death related to boarding, grooming, or other services.
10. Authorization for Veterinary Care
You authorize representatives of The Feline Hotel & Zen Cat Grooming Spa to seek veterinary care in emergencies and to make medical decisions for your cat at your expense if contact cannot be made in a timely manner.
11. Modification of Terms
The Feline Hotel & Zen Cat Grooming Spa reserves the right to amend these Terms of Service at any time. The latest version is always available at www.catboardingdetroit.com/tos.
12. Acknowledgment of Understanding
By boarding their cat(s) at The Feline Hotel, owners acknowledge they have read, understood, and agree to these Terms of Service.
For questions, please contact us at micathotel@gmail.com or call 1(888)747CATS
Thank you for choosing The Feline Hotel & Zen Cat Grooming Spa
1416 W Auburn Rd Rochester Hills, MI 48309